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Are websites still relevant?

Are Websites still Relevant?

It’s 2024, best practices are ever-evolving and AI is causing a huge shift in the digital landscape. Are websites still relevant? The short answer is yes, undoubtably. In fact, many would argue they are more important now than ever. Whilst for some businesses, a social media account might be enough to generate sales and engagement, for many a website is a crucial part of their digital toolkit. Let’s explore their uses and benefits in more detail… 

The benefits of having a website in 2024

– Search Visibility

With 8.5 billion Google searches happening per day, it’s fair to say there is a high likelihood that someone is searching for a product or service that you offer. Your website (and its SEO) is your tool for getting in front of those who are out there and interested in what you do

– Credibility

A professional website builds trust and legitimacy with prospects and potential employees. It’s 2024, people expect businesses to have a website. Further to that, the majority of users will expect a mobile-friendly website. If an individual hears about your business from a friend but can’t find any information online about what you do, it’s not surprising that they might disregard the recommendation. 

– Control

Whilst Social Media might be a great way to grow your business, as an end user, you unfortunately are not in control of any platform changes or huge updates. With a possible TikTok ban in the US on the horizon, this point has never rung truer. With a website, you are totally in charge of the messaging, design and the format and ultimately your audience too. 

– Global Reach

Websites allow businesses to reach new audiences. A well-translated website allows businesses to tap into international markets and build a global customer base, or just reach people a little further from home. For businesses that offer online products or services, a website truly opens up the opportunity for a wider array of customers.

So, we’ve decided that websites are still relevant in 2024… Let’s take it one step further. Having a website is one thing but does it still accurately illustrate who you are, what you do and why you do it? Not only does updated content ensure that your messaging is correct but did you know it is also great for your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) too? 

Search engines like Google prioritise fresh content when ranking websites in their search results. Regularly adding new blog posts, articles, or videos shows Google that your site is active and up-to-date. This can lead to more frequent crawling and indexing of your website, keeping you relevant in search results.

While social media and mobile apps play a big role in digital marketing today, it’s fair to say they cannot fully replace a website. Websites provide a foundation for a strong online presence and offer a unique set of advantages that remain important in today’s digital world. More crucially, keeping your website up to date will help your content be shown in people’s searches. 

Here at Webbla, we specialise in creating engaging and converting websites for SMEs. If you would like to discuss a possible website project with us no matter how big or small, please just get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!

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