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Why You Need a Mobile-Friendly Website

Why You Need a Mobile-Friendly Website

Throughout the past decade, mobile internet usage has skyrocketed, and it’s more important than ever to make sure your website is optimised for mobile devices. If you don’t have a mobile-friendly site, here are four reasons why you need one:

Smartphone usage continues to incline.

As of 2022, 50.48% of website traffic comes from mobile devices, surpassing the number of desktop users for the first time in history. Consequently, if you are a business owner with a website that isn’t optimised for mobile, you’ll be missing out on a huge portion of potential customers. 

A mobile-friendly site ranks higher in search engines. 

Having a mobile-friendly website is also beneficial for SEO purposes as they are more likely to be found in search engines. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you risk ranking lower than your mobile-friendly competitors. The easiest way to check if your site is optimised for mobile devices is by entering the URL of your homepage into Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Tool.

Moreover, Google has announced that it will penalise websites that aren’t mobile-friendly by lowering their ranking in search results pages (SERPs). This means if someone searches for “best coffee maker” using their phone, they’ll see websites offering the best deals on coffee makers above those without mobile compatibility.

You will create a better experience for all your users.

Mobile-friendly websites are designed to be easy to use on mobile devices. This means they’re easily navigable and easy to read, with minimal scrolling required. Mobile-friendly websites also load faster than their non-mobile counterparts because they don’t require many resources like images or videos that take extra time to download over a cellular connection.

Without a mobile-friendly website, you’re missing out on business.

By not having a mobile-friendly website, businesses are creating barriers that make it more difficult for customers to find them because many people use their smartphones as their primary way of searching the internet. Without an optimised site, your company will be less likely to come up in these searches or appear on Google Maps when someone searches by location.

In addition, when people can’t easily access your business’ website from their phones or tablets–or if they have trouble navigating through it–they may choose not even bother trying again later when they have access at home or work on their computer screen. 

Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, it’s important to have a mobile-friendly website. The benefits of having one are clear: it makes your site more accessible, improves user experiences and increases revenues. While this may seem like an expensive investment at first glance, there are many ways to make sure your site is mobile-friendly without breaking the bank! Get in touch if you’re looking for advice.

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